Wednesday, June 30, 2010

La Belle Province!

For the last 5 days I have had the opportunity to enjoy the City of Montreal, Quebec, which is where I am writing from. A national youth ministry conference has more than accomplished its task of providing times for reflection, refreshment and worship and has lead to a rich and rewarding cultural experience.

I was very excited in the days leading up to my time in Montreal and I could barely wait for the different sights and sounds I would soon be seeing and hearing. However, when my wife and I entered the city I suddenly developed a sense of nervousness. The nervousness had nothing to do with the somewhat confusing highway system (although, Sandra would attest that this was the pinnacle of her uneasy feeling), but rather a worry that I wouldn’t be able to communicate with the people of our French province.

The French I learned in elementary school has long since been forgotten because I have been out of practice for several years, which has greatly affected my ability to truly submerge myself into this French-Canadian culture.

Is there something in your life which has been forgotten as a result of a lack of up keeping? Has it limited you from being able to communicate of fully understand something?
I encourage you to revisit a forgotten ability in attempt to appreciate the value it once had.

Bonne Chance!

1 comment:

  1. Great reminder Dave. Actually, Alan and I were talking about this very thing this week--and we each challenged ourselves to start working on something we had "left by the wayside." Your post is yet another nudge from God to reminder me of my commitment. BTW...glad to hear your time at the conference was good!


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