Thursday, July 29, 2010

Dear God...

"Dear God, I'm trying hard to reach you.
Dear God, I see your face in all I do.
Sometimes, it's so hard to believe it.
But God, I know you have your reasons.

These words, which make up the introduction and chorus to the song 'Dear God 2.0' by The Roots feat. Monsters of Folk, hit me like a ton of bricks when I heard them for the first time last week.  I have felt this way before.  I have felt frustrated and agitated and have been inquisitive like this before.  I have prayed prayers like this.

The Roots have been one of the most influential and innovative secular hip hop groups to hit the music scene in the last 25 years.  It amazes and encourages me that a group of musicians who are at the top of the music charts are including deep thoughts like this in their message.  So often do artists rely on catchy yet meaningless words to catch the ears of listeners.  Here, however, The Roots are reflecting on thoughts and asking questions that have struck a chord with the feelings I am certain many Christians have had.  I know I have.

"Be agitated and do not sin;
Ponder in your own hearts on your beds, and be silent.
Offer right sacrifices and put your trust in the Lord."
- Psalms 4:4-5 (ESV)

Let us be encouraged by these words when we are frustrated and searching.  Rest in our Creator's promise, because even when we feel this way He will show up in places we least expect him in the chorus of a hip hop track!

Grace & Peace,

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

A Minister of Grace

We celebrated the Lord’s Supper as a church family this past Sunday.  Not sure why but as I was receiving the elements from one of our servers the phrase “minister of grace” came to mind.  With my hands I received symbols meant to remind of God’s grace in Christ.  Something given to me freely.  Something that makes me smile, feel loved, secure and at peace. Yet also something that I did not or could not earn – I’ve tried. 

As I began to think about this idea more I asked myself “Do I live my life as a minister of grace?”  Do I serve symbols of grace to others just like the server did for me this past Sunday?  Do I dispense happiness?  Do I give love freely or with requirements?  Do I provide a sense of safety for others?  Do I speak words of peace?   

Just as the elements are symbols of God’s grace in Christ, my life can be.  I can be.  We can be.   Ministers of grace.  Something about that seems so right.   What do you think?


If you want to hear an inspiring version of the song - Amazing Grace check this link out-

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Summer slowdown...

     Ok, so maybe I'm slow (no comments please)! The other day I tried to start my motorcycle to go for a "mental health" break (how's that for justifying?) but the engine wouldn't start. Totally dead! 

     Now, I've got enough mechanical skills to figure this out: dead battery, bad wiring, no gas. The usual suspects. Only this time, everything is good: battery, wiring, gas.  What gives?

     Men don't ask for help too quickly and I'm true to my kind. So I step back and contemplate the situation in solitude for a minute or two (of course, while trying to hide my problem from onlookers). Then it comes to me...along with the requisite smack on the forehead that seems to come naturally with these "aha" moments.  The kill switch is turned on! The engine can't start when the kill switch is on...that's why it's there, so the engine won't start.  And it's the first place to look when the engine is dead.
     Looking around to cover my embarrassment in case anyone was watching, I started the engine and took off faster than I might normally.  You understand!

      Now, not everything in life generates a Bible lesson, but this one did. It got me thinking about Psalm 119:105 and my need to slow down, step back and contemplate life's situations. "Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path." My current ways ("my feet") need some illumination as does the way I should go ("my path"). Both my way and my direction require a little reflection in order to go in good directions. And God's word does both.

     Maybe a little summer slowdown might help me remember how to start a motorcycle...and reflect on my feet and my way a bit more.   For what it's worth...