Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Twitter | Christmas | The Gospel

Do you use Twitter?  I’m sure you’ve heard of it somewhere. is a social media website which allows its users to write microblogs consisting of no more than 140 characters.  When properly used, Twitter allows users to creatively and concisely share their thoughts, post web links, share photos, etc.  I use it mainly to follow the thoughts of authors, Christian thinkers, and get news and TTC updates.  This blog, however, is not about Twitter.  It’s about something I found on Twitter.

Today I read a ‘tweet’ which jumped right off the screen and hit me like a ton of bricks!  The user (@leadershipfreak)  posted a quote by Henry David Thoreau which read, “It takes two to speak the truth: to speak and another to hear.”  I immediately flipped open my bible to Romans 10 where Paul is writing about The Message of Salvation to All.

So faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ.  Romans 10:17

Faith comes from hearing the Good News of Jesus Christ.  

How will people hear it if we don’t share it?

Christmas time is absolutely overflowing with opportunities to discuss your faith in Jesus at work, school, in line at Tim Horton’s...Anywhere!  The radio is playing songs that are singing about the manger in which our Saviour was born, performances of Handel’s Messiah are selling out in venues across the city, ‘Jesus is the Reason for the Season’ stickers and decorations can be seen stuck on the bumpers of cars and in store windows, beautiful life-sized manger scenes are setup in front of you get the idea?  Simply talking about what you see and hear during the Christmas season will provide you with a foundation to share your faith.

Christmas is a time to celebrate the arrival of our Saviour and King.  God the Father directly and intentionally brought his Son into the world with the mission of dying in the place of sinners and rising again for the eternal salvation of all who believe it.  
How can you not tell somebody about it?

I’m praying for ya,


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