Thursday, January 6, 2011

Haircuts and Missed Opporunities

I don't like getting my hair cut.  There are a number of reasons why, but the main one is that when I leave I am rarely satisfied.  If you're reading this, then there is a good chance you have seen me before and might be saying that there is nothing special about my hair.  You're right.  It's pretty basic.  Yet, when I leave the barber shop I feel like I should have had a little more taken off the top, trimmed the sides shorter, etc.  This happens because I don't speak up when they ask me how I'd like it to be cut.  When asked how I'd like my hair to be cut I usually jokingly respond 'shorter'.  They think I'm kidding but the truth is I do want it shorter but don't know how to be specific or detailed.  That is why I am rarely satisfied when I see my reflection in the rear view mirror as I drive out of the parking lot.  It's too late.  I've missed my chance.  I'll have to wait for my next cut.

Now, I know it's just a haircut and that I will be going back for another cut in a months time.  It's not really a big deal and I will have a chance to try and explain better next time around.

But what about the times when we miss opportunities to share about our faith because we don't know what to say?

A few weeks ago I was driving home from hockey with a non-Christian friend.  We began talking about the Discovery Channel and a T.V. special he had watched about the ocean.  He was telling me about how incredible wildlife creatures are and how mysterious the ocean floor is and then went on to say that it's hard to believe that everything came to be "by some big explosion in space that happened a billion years ago".  "Yeah.  It is pretty crazy," was my response.

The results of not knowing what to say to my barber is far less important than my pathetic response to my friend's observation.  He provided me with an opportunity to bring the scriptural account of creation into the conversation and I didn't.  The Leafs scored (we were listening to the game on the radio), the conversation change to their losing streak and the opportunity was gone. I missed it.

I might get another chance to share my beliefs on the God who created our incredible planet.  I'll have to wait and see.  I should have been prepared in that moment.  I should have known what to say.  It is more serious than a bad haircut.
Are you prepared to make the best of an opportunity like the one I missed?

I'm praying for ya.  Please pray for me, too.


1 comment:

  1. Dave...Been there, done that! Your honest and authentic post encouraged me today--and challenged me to take a second look at times I've missed the opportunity--and to take action starting today to be prepared so I never miss another opportunity--by God's help, grace, and mercy. Thank you for being willing to share your story.


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