Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Love for All, Hate for None

So read the bumper sticker of the car that I followed to work last Thursday.  There right in front of me, in just a few words was a profound statement.   It was of course a reflection of the vehicle owner’s worldview.  I wondered about how possessing that worldview affected the driver’s life.  I was so curious I sped up a little just to have a quick glance into the car to see who was driving expecting I would uncover more insight but it was to no avail.  There were no other messages just a young, professionally dressed man apparently on his way in to the downtown core.

This started me to think about what kind of bumper sticker I should have on my mini-van.  If the Apostle Paul was alive, maybe he would have had something like “Chief Sinner” (1 Tim. 1:16), “To live is Christ, to die is gain” (Phil 1:21), or “I know nothing except Jesus Christ and Him Crucified” (1 Cor. 2:2).  Unfortunately, I couldn’t come up with anything so pithy during my commute but I’ve started to work on it.   Maybe if it’s good enough I can get it printed on a t-shirt to stimulate conversation with strangers.

Okay, kidding aside I think we can all agree that it probably is a good idea to ask the question “What am I all about?”  Especially when sooner or later we'll be asked.

What would you say?

Pastor Gary

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