Sunday, August 21, 2011

The Legacy of Encouragement

Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing. 
1 Thessalonians 5:11

I have found that there is never a time in my life when I don’t appreciate a sincerely given word of encouragement.  I can tell you with great certainty, that I always feel the pain of a discouraging word.  On the other hand, when someone shares a word of encouragement, the Lord seems to use it as the seedbed for hope, motivation, and personal growth.

Within the last two weeks, one of my “encouragers” was called home to be with her heavenly Father.  Her name is Teresa.  She profoundly touched my life in such a positive way. Her legacy in part, to me and many others, will be her gentle voice, loving smile and an sweet spirit.  She was truly a role model of encouragement. She consistently lived out this lifestyle of positive reinforcement while fighting the cancer that finally captured her body. 

She will not be forgotten.

Will you include in your legacy the gift of encouragement to others?  Will you, with me, make it a part of your core value system to intentionally and consistently use your words to encourage rather than discourage?

Let’s, together, make this a part of the clearly seen and felt culture of Calvary Church!

Every Blessing,


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