Thursday, August 18, 2011

Dealing with disappointment: Step 1.

We all deal with disappointment. It seems to be a necessary ingredient in the recipe of life. Sadly, learning the skills of dealing with disappointment won't be wasted effort. Maybe this will help...
Maybe you've read the story of the two men on the way to Emmaus right after Jesus' passion (Luke 24). Their disappointment with the events over the weekend was palpable. They were followers (the New Testament word is "disciples") of Jesus but he had been killed. What's more, they had heard rumours that Jesus had risen from the grave, which confused them more than excited them. I don't blame them...I think I would be in the same frame of mind.  

Anyway, they were so engrossed in their despair and confusion that they didn't recognize Jesus when he joined them along the way.

Among the many lessons to be learned in this story is that being preoccupied with our own frustrations keeps us from looking for Jesus IN them!
Hmmm...maybe the first step in dealing with disappointment is looking for Jesus in it not for a way out of it.

What do you think?


PS: By the way, did you notice that they were walking entirely in the wrong direction...away from the support of fellow followers. Maybe turning to your support group is step 2!

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