Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Deep Change!

I've done a lot of reading lately on leadership and change.  The kinds of change I been thinking about are things like change of heart, strategy and ministry.

As I age (notice I didn't say "old") the less I like change. Actually, that's not true. I still like change...the problem is loss: the loss I feel when something is no longer the same. I like my old ways so changing them means losing something I like!

On the other hand, what I like less is the slow death lack of change brings. Let's face it, growth demands and assumes change! So here's what I'm thinking; what I really want is deep change (the name of a really good business book by the way). What I want is change in me that is rooted in a deep moral core that never needs to change--a core that is informed and guided by truth that transcends my own human wisdom. I wonder if this is part of what Proverbs 21:1 means when it says, "The king's heart is a stream of water in the hand of the Lord; he turns it wherever he will."?

What do you think?  Post a comment.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Breakfast of Champions

 Do you eat breakfast everyday?  I don't.  I mean, I have a coffee every morning, that's a given, and sometimes I'll grab a muffin or something, but rarely will I sit down and eat a balanced breakfast.  Why?  Because I usually leave my house in a rush with just enough time to get where I'm going.  When I miss breakfast, I usually snack several times throughout the morning if I can, but sometimes I don't have anything until lunch.  On those days I find myself lagging and struggling to think straight.  Every once in a while I will take the time to eat a full breakfast and I always have a more productive day.  Breakfast fuels me and keeps me energized and focused even on the most busy days.

So...Why am I telling you this?  The truth is this doesn't only happen with physical food.  Lack of spiritual food has the same results.

On the days I go to the scriptures before doing anything else, I am fueled, focused and ready to face whatever the day may throw at me.  In this sense, spending time each morning in the scriptures is much like eating a balanced breakfast.  

Jesus says in Matthew 4:4 that, "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God." Mornings with full buffet breakfasts are still not enough to help us get by. We need to fill ourselves with God's word every single day.

I need to work harder at making time with God my number one priority each day...Do you?

Always Hungry,


Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Adrenal Fatigue and Jesus?

Moving house.  I never really anticipated how challenging it would be for us.  But a week later I’m feeling it.  I’m suffering from adrenal fatigue.  The human body has two tiny adrenal glands that sit essentially above our kidneys and control hormone production. One of their primary functions is to release stress hormones (cortisol and adrenaline), but only when we perceive danger or stress.

Here’s the problem, if you’re anything like me you live such a busy lifestyle that your adrenals are often working overtime.  This of course has a negative effect on our physical health; but I’m also noticing spiritual health.
Medical professionals suggest that there are some simple ways we can help care for our adrenal glands so that they support the normal functioning of our bodies.  Jesus also offers us some advice that I’ve been thinking about more over the last several days especially.  You’ve heard it before – Jesus says “Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest… and you will find rest for your souls.” Matthew 11:28, 29b.

I hope to make this a priority this fall, how about you?


Friday, September 3, 2010


Prayer is one of my biggest struggles!  It's not that I don't like to pray or don't have a set time to pray. It's just that I'm inconsistent and often not fully "present" when I pray. Whenever I set out to pray there are always things--good things--that distract my attention. I'm sure God understands the dynamics of my life but it must discourage him. Especially since there is no greater way to experience intimacy with God than prayer! Hmmm...maybe that's what prayer is mostly about...growing in friendship with God!

What I'm learning is that prayer is mostly about "presence" being fully present when I pray and God making his presence with me more intimate and effectual.  Maybe the better way to say it that prayer is bigger than conversation. Actually, conversation may be but a small part of it! It's more about communion.  Hmmm...maybe that communion can actually be wordless!

So maybe I should try new ways to pray that might help me be more present when I pray as well as experience God's presence?   Hmmm...maybe I'll try some this week!

On the journey with you...