Monday, September 27, 2010

Breakfast of Champions

 Do you eat breakfast everyday?  I don't.  I mean, I have a coffee every morning, that's a given, and sometimes I'll grab a muffin or something, but rarely will I sit down and eat a balanced breakfast.  Why?  Because I usually leave my house in a rush with just enough time to get where I'm going.  When I miss breakfast, I usually snack several times throughout the morning if I can, but sometimes I don't have anything until lunch.  On those days I find myself lagging and struggling to think straight.  Every once in a while I will take the time to eat a full breakfast and I always have a more productive day.  Breakfast fuels me and keeps me energized and focused even on the most busy days.

So...Why am I telling you this?  The truth is this doesn't only happen with physical food.  Lack of spiritual food has the same results.

On the days I go to the scriptures before doing anything else, I am fueled, focused and ready to face whatever the day may throw at me.  In this sense, spending time each morning in the scriptures is much like eating a balanced breakfast.  

Jesus says in Matthew 4:4 that, "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God." Mornings with full buffet breakfasts are still not enough to help us get by. We need to fill ourselves with God's word every single day.

I need to work harder at making time with God my number one priority each day...Do you?

Always Hungry,


1 comment:

  1. Reflecting on your blog brings further thoughts to mind: the idea that "we are what we eat" physical nutrition wise as well as the fact that we are also spiritual beings and therefore need food for the soul. It is possible to be physically nourished but spiritually lacking.

    As well, the idea that the eating of food is often a communal undertaking among family and friends - the pleasure of social interaction & good conversation. For the Christian, there is the added spiritual satisfaction ("joy?")that comes from regular conversation ("communing") with God the Father through prayer (our contribution to conversation)and meditating on God's thoughts in the Scriptures (His contribution to conversation).


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