Friday, September 3, 2010


Prayer is one of my biggest struggles!  It's not that I don't like to pray or don't have a set time to pray. It's just that I'm inconsistent and often not fully "present" when I pray. Whenever I set out to pray there are always things--good things--that distract my attention. I'm sure God understands the dynamics of my life but it must discourage him. Especially since there is no greater way to experience intimacy with God than prayer! Hmmm...maybe that's what prayer is mostly about...growing in friendship with God!

What I'm learning is that prayer is mostly about "presence" being fully present when I pray and God making his presence with me more intimate and effectual.  Maybe the better way to say it that prayer is bigger than conversation. Actually, conversation may be but a small part of it! It's more about communion.  Hmmm...maybe that communion can actually be wordless!

So maybe I should try new ways to pray that might help me be more present when I pray as well as experience God's presence?   Hmmm...maybe I'll try some this week!

On the journey with you...

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