Wednesday, February 2, 2011

"What Goes Up, Must Come Down...

...spinning wheel, got to go round."  This is the song I began to whistle as I watched a frustrated driver attempt to drive off of a patch of ice yesterday morning.

Behind the church there is an alleyway which provides access to the garages of residents who live on Gough Ave.  I am able to see this alley way and some of the garage doors from my office window.  When I arrived early Tuesday morning, a time of the day when my office is almost silent, I heard a high-pitched whirring sound and several yelling voices.  Immediately I recognized the sound I was hearing: spinning wheels.

Sure enough as I looked out my window I saw the stuck vehicle.  

As I continued to watch I gained a better understanding of the situation.  The driver was trying to get out of her garage when here front wheels became caught in an icy rut. 

The yelling was provided by three men who were all certain they knew exactly what was necessary to get out of this slippery situation.  After about 5-minutes of confusion, another man walked up to the car and asked if he could get behind the wheel.  Ten seconds later the car was freed from it's icy prison.

I cannot help but think how frighteningly familiar this occurrence was.  Sure, I've been stuck in the snow before, but that's not exactly what I mean...

Every day we are bombarded with dozen (hundreds, thousands..?) of "self-help" messages by "experts" who clutter our minds with what seem to be helpful bits of advice.  The men who were shouting and trying to "help" the stranded driver reminded me of these so called "self-help experts".  They confidently gave directions and when nothing worked they simply walked away.  

What really struck me was the man who got behind the wheel.  He actually knew what had to be done.  He was able to free the woman and her vehicle.  He offered true help.  A comforting Psalm came to mind:

"Out of my distress I called on the LORD; the LORD answered me
and set me free."
                                                                        - Psalm 118:5 (ESV)

How often are we spiritually "stuck" in our lives?  I know I get stuck a lot.  We must call on the One who can truly help get us unstuck.  We must call on the LORD and trust that he is able to free us when we are "stuck".

What do you do when you're feeling stuck?  Leave a comment and let me know!

Bless ya,


P.S.  Here are some helpful winter driving HERE.

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