Thursday, February 10, 2011

Everyday heroes!

Super Hero?????
You hardly ever watch the news on TV without hearing about someone who did some courageous act and is now a "hero." Undoubtedly, some truly are heros. But for others, it really is stretching the definition. Certainly, everyone called a hero expresses some courage in the face of trauma--but is it only courage that defines a hero as seems to be advocated by modern media? For instance, the man who faces a would-be robber and refuses to give up his money sure has courage, but he's offered up something precious and eternal (his own life) for something insignificant and temporal (money). He sure is brave...but a hero?

I got to wondering how I define what a hero is. I think I agree with Charles Colson who suggests that a perfect expression of heroism is a person who courageously imitates Christ. Courage to face a difficult situation does not make a hero unless the courageous devotion is to what is is ultimately good, true and eternal...all virtues of Christ.

I'm sure there's more to it than this, but if this is the definition of hero, then I've known a lot of heroes! None of whom ever made it into a TV news report. 

For what it's worth...

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