Friday, February 25, 2011

A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

I love to take pictures. There is something that is totally enjoyable about heading out with my camera with one goal in mind: to bring home at least one captivating image.

One of the reasons people love to look at great pictures is because they can produce a variety of emotions, thoughts, and memories. After all, “a picture is worth a thousand words!”

The Bible is is full of amazing pictures. 

True, they may only be word pictures, but they build intricate and colorful images of God’s glory and majesty in our minds and imaginations.  

During a quiet moment this week, I returned to Isaiah 6 and was on both an emotional and practical level affected by the image—the picture—that Isaiah painted. It was filled with the beauty of God’s holy majesty set against my frailty as a member of sinful humanity. This vivid picture caused me to worship our loving and mighty God with greater passion, especially when I pondered it in light of Romans 5 which says, ”God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”

Here’s my encouragement to you this week: while reading the scriptures in your personal quiet time, allow the word pictures you find there to deeply touch your heart, mind and actions. Don’t rush. Dwell and observe. A picture is worth a thousand words!


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