Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Missing the Point

It’s easy to miss the point.

Sometimes, especially when I’m tired, I have a hard time focusing.  For example, there have been many nights when the book I am attempting to read becomes nothing more than a blur of words scattered on a page.  Other times I’ll be sitting in front of the television for an entire show, and when it finishes I wouldn’t be able to tell you what the episode was about.  These are trivial things, and so it’s not always that big of a deal.

But how many times have I done this during corporate worship or personal prayer and bible study?  How often have I been so consumed with the getting through the busyness of a season that I’ve missed the whole point?

If this sounds like you, then you are not alone.  You and I both need to slow down this Easter and commit to bringing our best worship and praise to the King who gave His life for us.

I have been using these two great bible reading plans to help me focus on The Story of Easter and Christ’s Words During Passion Week.  Simply click either of these (or both!) titles to be taken to an online bible resource.

Bless You this Easter!


Wednesday, April 13, 2011

A “Real Man”

Being a father of two very young, very impressionable and I would have to say very cute little girls I have been reflecting lately about what it means to be a “man."  At the moment, I’m the only man in our house excluding Seamus our Wheaton Terrier so I’m sure you can appreciate why I’m becoming increasingly concerned about getting this more right than wrong.  Where do you go for an accurate picture of a “man?”

Well, I started by thinking about the men who have been in my life up to this point and those presently.  I then considered men that history and our present day culture would hold out as examples (see my favourite lately - the Old Spice Guy).  Finally, I allowed myself the freedom to create my own image of a “real man.”  More often than not I found myself being disappointed and this process left me with more questions than answers so I turned to the only place I know that gives me clarity on the issues I face each day – God’s Word.

I had studied 1st Timothy 3, Titus 1, and Galatians 5 before but more as an exercise than with a real desire for answers.  As I read these passages of Scripture and mediated on them I rediscovered a picture of a “real man.”  And I found my heart yearning to be that man.  I have so far to go...but at least I have a better sense of where I should be going. Thankfully the Holy Spirit wants me to be a “real man” even more than I do in my best moments.  I need Him to.

Can you relate?  What are your thoughts on this?

Pastor Gary

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

When does the day sunrise or sunset?

Here's an interesting thought to consider: in the Bible, a day doesn't begin at sunrise--it begins with sunset. (read more about it in Eugene Peterson's book "Working the Angles: The Shape of Pastoral Integrity.").

What this means is that we begin our day resting (i.e. at night) and then we arise to join him in what he's already been doing all night long! Neat!

Maybe this is a good reason to schedule prayer and meditation in the morning so as to reinforce the biblical notion of time and find out what God has been doing and how we can join him in it! 
For what it's worth...