Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Missing the Point

It’s easy to miss the point.

Sometimes, especially when I’m tired, I have a hard time focusing.  For example, there have been many nights when the book I am attempting to read becomes nothing more than a blur of words scattered on a page.  Other times I’ll be sitting in front of the television for an entire show, and when it finishes I wouldn’t be able to tell you what the episode was about.  These are trivial things, and so it’s not always that big of a deal.

But how many times have I done this during corporate worship or personal prayer and bible study?  How often have I been so consumed with the getting through the busyness of a season that I’ve missed the whole point?

If this sounds like you, then you are not alone.  You and I both need to slow down this Easter and commit to bringing our best worship and praise to the King who gave His life for us.

I have been using these two great bible reading plans to help me focus on The Story of Easter and Christ’s Words During Passion Week.  Simply click either of these (or both!) titles to be taken to an online bible resource.

Bless You this Easter!


1 comment:

  1. Blessings to you Dave on this Easter season! This is a very well-written message about the importance and meaning of Easter. I have gone deeper into Christ this Easter I think more than in the past. Good to see you on Blogger. I've got a Blogger site too, Thank you for reading my blogs too. I'll keep reading yours. May you and Sandra enjoy this long weekend.


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