Wednesday, April 6, 2011

When does the day sunrise or sunset?

Here's an interesting thought to consider: in the Bible, a day doesn't begin at sunrise--it begins with sunset. (read more about it in Eugene Peterson's book "Working the Angles: The Shape of Pastoral Integrity.").

What this means is that we begin our day resting (i.e. at night) and then we arise to join him in what he's already been doing all night long! Neat!

Maybe this is a good reason to schedule prayer and meditation in the morning so as to reinforce the biblical notion of time and find out what God has been doing and how we can join him in it! 
For what it's worth...


  1. Cool thought. Thanks Tom! A related fun fact is that in the Bible, the year starts in the spring and not in the winter :)

  2. I was first introduced to this concept several years ago while reading Christine Sine's book: GodSpace. I was intrigued.

    She shared how many people were grasping this principle and changing the rhythm to their day by starting their "day" by spending time with God at night before bed, trusting Him to do His work throughout the night, and resting deeply in His care and protection. This timing of spending time with God is especially good for those who have to rise early and leave for work early.

    Anyways...just a thought for what it's worth. Think I'll revisit this whole concept and reflect if I need to change some rhythms for this season in my life...

    Thanks for the refresher!

  3. I saw a fridge magnet somewhere, some time, that went something like, "Before retiring each evening, give all your cares to God. He's up all night anyways."


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