Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Stop Watching...Start Doing

Do you ever feel like a video camera operator? Let me rephrase that: do you ever feel like you're doing the job of a camera operator, just without the camera and film?

With the help of a few minutes here and there spent watching "reality" TV shows, I've realized that I am often doing the same thing as the video camera operators.  Camera guys and girls who seek to creatively film the complete chaos and dysfunction of the families and people do just that.  They film.  They don’t help the people, they don’t offer advice or guidance to the families, they don’t do anything other than record and report back to the editors, producers, etc.

I regularly do the same thing.  The only difference is that I don’t use film.  I walk down the streets of Toronto and watch the interaction between people asking for change and those who ignorantly walk by.  I see mothers preparing to carry their babies and strollers up and down the stairs at the subway.  I hear about questionable choices my friends are making.  The list doesn’t end there, by my example does. 

My point is that I watch these things happen and like the camera operators, and I don’t do anything about it.  I simply let it happen and then later tell others about what I saw.  Changes need to be made!  We need to actively engage in these everyday occurrences and not just let them pass us by.

Usually I would ask: So what are you going to do about it this week?  This time I’m not.  I’m simply urging you to pay attention to these things and to do something about them.  You know that there are needs to be met.  Meet them.

Love your neighbours.  Read Luke 10: 25-38 for some how-to instructions.

Much Love,


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