Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Discontentment temptation

Half full or half empty?
One of my roles in life is that of a preacher. One of the problems with preaching is that the preacher must preach to him/herself first...even if the topic is difficult! As those who attend my church know, I was assigned the topic of contentment. The problem is it's just a little absurd to preach on contentment in a society where most of our dogs live better lives than many of the world's human beings! So I had to do some soul searching. Why do I sometimes feel discontent?

Undoubtedly, some of my moments of discontent have to do with wrongful comparisons, inflexibility on my part, and maybe having too much stuff so that rather than owning my stuff my stuff now owns me!

But then I had reason to read of Adam and Eve (Genesis 3:1-7). In the context of the perfect Garden of Eden they saw (more accurately; were shown) something they didn't have that "was good for food and pleasing to the eye and also desireable for gaining wisdom" (Gen 3:6, NIV)...and they fell into the discontentment trap! Yes, I know there was more going on in Genesis 3 but their sense of lack was present even in the most perfect environment ever known to humankind.

I also had reason to read of the temptation of none other than Jesus! In Matthew 4, the devil tries to tempt Jesus with discontentment; with natural desire ("tell these stones to become bread"), and with self-preservation ("throw yourself down. He will command his angels...they will lift you up"), and with personal pride ("all this I will give you if you will bow down and worship me").

If Adam, Eve and Jesus--the only sinless human beings to every grace this earth--were tempted, it's simplistic and arrogant to think I won't be tempted with discontentment.

This doesn't solve my problem but it does give me some comfort that I'm not the only one tempted with discontentment. I guess I'd better prepare that sermon on contentment. Listen to it on-line and see how I do!

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