Thursday, July 21, 2011

Resting for Renewal

And he said to them, “Come away by yourselves to a desolate place and rest a while.” 
Mark 6:31

The last couple of weeks have been simply wonderful. Kathy and I enjoyed a time away from work and official ministry responsibilities. 

It was not a vacation, but as is now the popular term, a “staycation”. We had the joy of just “staying put” and relaxing in our new home. And yes, even amongst all the new home chores, it was very restful.

All too often when we hear the term “rest” we immediately think about sleeping in for a few days in a row, or doing some fun things with the family.  Many of us could certainly use that kind of rest and relaxed connection time with our loved ones. 

However, on this time off from my usual weekly routine, I was able to enjoy more than just physical rest, summertime fun, and family get-togethers.

I was able to use the change of pace to really slow down and connect with the Lord and renew my confidence and trust in Him as the Leader and Guide for my life.  I came to realize with certainty that I need to be more intentional about setting aside regularly scheduled times throughout the year (not just at “staycation” times) to “come away … and rest awhile.”  These times renew my trust, confidence, and spiritual strength in the Lord. 

May all of you have/take/make this opportunity a reality at some time this summer. I like what F.B. Meyer said about rest: “The place where we lie down to rest is under the shadow of the Cross.”

What are your strategies for spiritual rest this summer? I’d love to hear from you.

Every Blessing,


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